Hong Kong-Cayman!
King-Kong pay, man! [high-five]
Bigger better bonded bubbles
long and lightly lift the Troubles.
Why bust Wall Street when they burst
compounded on the poor accurst?
Rich or clever blesséd ever
dryer bed in wetter weather.
Short the night! Non-stop the blowing!
H-3D-TV see showing
Power Points on globes gone going!
Mecca ever golden glowing;
O! Jerusalem! red flowing,
veils pierced, men children mowing!
Nations not the jungle hoeing
reap what nations raped are sowing:
thins the ice where slows the snowing.
Europe no more is more knowing.
Chindia more green, more growing.
U.S.A. the world out-owing!
Cheered be! Hear ye crows yet crowing,
Credit ratings re-bestowing!
Short the night! Non-stop the blowing!
Big the short! Fraud final bought!
Broker-battalions let loose:
to cold-call, to induce,
to befriend, to seduce,
then forefend and traduce,
by hereinbelow noose,
doom-balloon soon caboose.
Sooner re-resold liar loan:
sixty-six; sick; alone;
daily worked to the bone;
with her crippled son thrown
sudden from Grandpa's home:
all for ten weeks in Rome.
Big the short! Fraud final, bought!
Self-evident, that no man's law
can such unequal fates restore
as fit the first and worst of claw:
life more or less is less or more.
Self-evident, that senate rules
as meaningful as menopause
default-swap captured common cause
for misdirected fools' applause.
Beggars bitter blog and twitter!
Bigger better bonded bubbles
bear more, and more trying Troubles!
Bugger bigger better bonded bubbles.